Sunday, January 2, 2011

Getting Rid of the Holiday Weight!

Happy New Years everyone! A whole decade is now behind us and there are so many things to look forward to in 2011!

I would say that since I only started running last February I've definitely come a long way and I have a lot to proud of but... I could be doing more. A lot more. The first half of last year I was so motivated to lose weight and get myself ready for a half marathon in July. The second half of the year since I started a new job my focus was more on that and I did less running and therefore gained 10 lbs! Yikes.

I could blame it on the new job, winter eating, but I know what I was doing wrong. I was eating more and working out less. A horrible combination. New Years came just in time for me to focus and get back on track.

Last year I did 11 races that included 3 half marathons and a handful of 5k, 10k, and a 12k. This year I want to one up that and do 12 races- one each month really and all new ones BUT there are a few that will be repeats and since they are repeats I will train and beat my time.

Some of the races that I have signed up for already so far are:
- Kaiser Half Marathon in February in SF
- LA MARATHON!! My first FULL MARATHON in my home town!
- Napa to Sonoma- will bring me memories as my first half marathon was done at this race.

I'm really excited that I decided to do a full marathon. The training will get really serious with doing runs of up to 20 miles at one time. To date the longest mileage I've done is 14 miles so doubling that sounds very daunting but I'm up for the task.

Aside from the above races I want to find one to do in Santa Barbara- as an excuse to visit my old college town and of course Nike Women's since I had so much fun last year.

I am also thinking about getting bikini ready too! Yes summer is 6 months away but weight loss doesn't happen over night. My goal is to lose half a pound a week for 20 weeks in order to get to my ideal weight of 135lbs. I was able to get to this weight last summer so I have faith I can do this again.

Here's to a wonderful 2011 and doing everything that you set your mind to do!

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