Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

I want to say Happy Mother's Day to my wonderful mom and to all the other mothers in this world. Words cannot express how thankful I am for everything that my mom has done and I am so lucky to have her in my life. I'm sad that I did not get to spend Mother's Day with my mom and grams but I'm glad they enjoyed the edible arrangements I sent them!

Mom, Grandma, and nephew Niilo with Edible Arrangements I sent for Mother's Day!

How did this weekend past me by so quickly?? I had a splendid weekend indeed! It was jam packed full of fun activities full of running, a race, and great food. Congrats to all of my friends and people that did the Santa Barbara Half Marathon in the lovely wine country! From the pictures the weather looked wonderful!

Had to wake up at 7AM everyday this week! For work and then for Team Challenge Group Practice and 5k Race. I don't mind waking up super early just because it makes me feel like I'm getting so much accomplished.

Team Challenge South Bay/Peninsula Team

I'm so happy that I got to run with my teammates from Team Challenge for our 7 mile run! That's half of our half marathon distance! I have missed the last two practices because of a wedding and going to Napa so I was glad to be back! We ran at Tom Sawyer Camp Trail in San Mateo and it was so beautiful! Running along the water just gets me so mesmerized. 7 miles felt good on my body BUT I will let you know that the Indian food I had the night before did not sit well during the run. :( So spicy heavy food- never again. I wanted to try Gu this weekend but since my stomach didn't feel well, didn't want to add to that.

Crystal Springs Water - running along this is amazing

We also had to fill out forms for our half marathon in July! Its really only 2 months away! To think I have been training since mid March feels so good! Especially since I've reached my fundraising goal already. We also got an idea of what the events will be like that weekend! We are going to be staying at the Double Tree! So excited.

Trees at Tom Sawyer Camp Trail

This morning I ran a 5k in Palo Alto! Did the Running With The Bulls 5k Fun Run and it was POURING when I picked up my race packet. I was supposed to run with my friend that just got into racing but she got sick :( It was great to see some Team Challenge peeps out there!

Race Packet Pickup at Gunn HS Track in Palo Alto morning of race

The run was not that fun at all because even tho the running spirits were with us and made it stop raining when the race started there were HUGE puddles and my feet got soaked!

Start line. It was so rainy! boo!

I pretty much just ran this one for fun because I had ran 7 miles the day before and it was raining. My time was decent at 35 minutes. Could have been a lot worse. I'm still glad people showed up and run for a good cause as always!

Finish Line!

4 races down! How neat is that!

1 comment:

  1. What a gorgeous run! I love running by any kind of water : ) Congrats on another race! Aren't they addicting? ; )
