You guys are going to laugh but I'm a huge fan of Kim Kardashian and the rest of the Kardashian clan for that matter. I follow her blog pretty much on a daily basis and if you guys haven't noticed her in the media she's been doing tons of stuff to promote a health lifestyle!
Some of her ventures have been fitness DVDS- Fit In Your Jeans By Friday which I bought and tried. I also went to her signing! She's the face of Carl's Jr salad, Quick Trim, fitness clothing, etc.
Her most recent venture which I feel passionately about is Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution!
This is the message from Jamie Oliver
" The American Food Revolution needs to start now! If you care about your country and the health of its children please help us make a difference. We need your support to get people back in touch with food and keep cooking skills alive before it's too late. We want to make sure every kid gets good, fresh food at school. It's proven that real food promotes more effective learning. If you want better health for your kids the junk food must go. I need to be able to show The President and industry how many of you out there really care about this issue so please don't wait, sign up today. It will only take 30 seconds.
America's health needs you!
Thank you. Please forward this to your friends, family, classmates, teachers, colleagues and anyone else who you think cares as time is short."
When I was younger I used to play outside- rollerblading, skating, basketball, swimming, and nowadays we are so wrapped with our computers, xboxes that we forget the best exercise is outside.
Let's fight child obesity.
Please sign the petition here! I have!
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