Thursday, April 22, 2010

No Nike Women's Marathon For Me :( but Happy Earth Day!

I had totally put the idea of getting into Nike Women's Marathon out of my head until my friend facebooked me last night saying.. Did your account get charged for the Nike half? I saw it tonight! I immediately checked my bank account and lo behold I had the same amount of money.. :/ I've never been so sad to see more money than I expected!

I really wanted the Nike Women's Marathon to be my second half marathon because its just so woman empowering and c'mon who can say no to Tiffany's Necklaces handed out by firemen in Tuxedos?! That's amazing! Other than the goody bag it is going to The Lymphoma and Leukemia Society and we need to keep fighting these diseases together.

Honestly I understand the lottery system just to be fair BUT I think it should be first come first serve! I set my alarm clock to make sure I entered the lottery right when it opened up. I mean with a lottery it doesn't make a difference. I know a lot of spots are saved for Team in Training but I would not be able to do that this year since I joined Team Challenge. I have grown a fondness for Team Challenge so I would not do that. Thats why I was REALLY hoping on getting in! sigh. I'm sure I'll get over it soon. It seems A LOT of people don't get into Nike Women's Marathon and countless other Marathons that are happening around the country that have become crazy popular.

So at this point I'm thinking alternatives for my second half marathon. Any suggestions? Some of the ones around the same time that I am thinking of are:
- San Jose Rock n Roll (early October)
- Disneyland Half Marathon (September)
- Los Angeles Rock n Roll (late October)

Those are some options. It would be cool to do San Jose because it is so local but it would also be cool to do something in LA because I am from LA and have yet to run any races there. I've only done AIDS Walk and Revlon Walk/Run 5k. This would be my chance to explore Los Angeles as a runner. Just some things to think about.

So this week I have only run no Monday :/ I am going to run today no matter what! Weather on the treadmill or outside! I feel like a slacker.


When I think of celebrating Earth day I think of the cartoon Captain Planet and the mantra recycle, reduce, reuse! haha. I think it is so important to preserve mother nature and I try my hardest to recycle and use reusable bags. What are you doing to celebrate mother nature today??

1 comment:

  1. bummer about nike! i really want to do that one day, too. i was so crushed when i didn't get into NYC. i understand the lottery system, but i just want to do it SO SO SO bad! haha. i would recommend NOT doing the disney half. i did it last year, and for the price, it's totally not worth it. most of the course isn't even around disneyland, it goes through anaheim. the others sound like fun though!
